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Like any resident of the Royal Mile, our bricks and mortar are steeped in Scottish history – from the politics of the Jacobite rebellion to the birth of the Edinburgh Fringe, and more recently tram-gate, our wee haven has a few stories to tell.
In 1745 Scots were fighting for trade recognition and development against suspicions associated with the Jacobite rebellion.
It’s in this turbulent climate that the story of our wee Inn on the Mile begins with a man named Andrew Fletcher.
Image credit: The Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet
Known in more formal circles as Lord Milton, a prominent lawyer and political figure in Scotland. Fletcher decided to expand the Edinburgh Linen Co-Partnery across borders to England and formed the British Linen Company in 1746.
In 1762 the Company sought counsel’s opinion on the legality of banking and a formal “Plan of Trade” was prepared in 1764 to develop banking business with their clients to deliver better services. In 1767 that the first credits were given to non-linen clients and the organisation’s unofficial status as a bank began.
Despite objections from the Royal and Bank of Scotland, the company succeeded in securing its bank status in 1813. But, it was still refused permission to call itself British Linen Bank until 1906.
The rooms in which we invite you to lay your head were built at the peak success of the British Linen Bank in 1923.
This success came with expansion beyond their headquarters in St Andrew’s square. Forming the Royal Mile branch that we now call home- no expense was spared.
The building is particularly notable for its carefully crafted Classical features including the giant Doric portico, Greek key cornice, and copper anthemion-style ornament. These are all prime examples of the famous Greek revival style that place Edinburgh at the height of architectural fame in the 18th century.
Giving it the name “Athens of the North”.
Sadly the British Linen Bank’s status declined during the first and second world wars. It was eventually bought by the Bank of Scotland in the 1970s. The building changed ownership before eventually being reborn as The Inn On The Mile that you know today. Our boutique hotel hosts a cosy pub & kitchen littered with tributes to its banking heritage- our bar front is covered entirely with thousands of old pennies.
Next time you visit
see if you can spot any more, and don’t forget to ask to see the original safe!
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We guarantee all bedrooms are ready for 2pm on day of arrival however if you would like an early access
Why not have a sleep in, forget checking out for 11am and extend your check out on your bedroom for
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